Jay Sherer wants to learn everything about storytelling. He interviews screenwriters, novelists, directors, literary agents, producers, and anyone else who knows about the business of storytelling. Plus he studies screenwriting, prose, writing, and the business models driving film, television, and novels. Learn along side Jay about How Stories Work--not just how to write them, but also how to sell them and get them made. Join the network of storytellers trying to improve, grow, and make valuable connections!
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
The Most Impactful Geek Stories That Shaped Us with Sandra, Nick, and Scilla
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
The Geek Movies That Made Us...
...and TV Shows, and Video Games, and Books! What geek stories impacted us?
This week, Sandra leads Nick and Scilla in a conversation about the geek stories that helped shape us. This topic came straight from The Story Geeks Club VIP Members! Thanks for voting on it!
Do you love stories and storytelling--especially sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies? Join The Story Geeks Club! It's FREE! Join The Story Geeks Club here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thestorygeeks/
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PURCHASE TIMESLINGERS! Jay and Nathan's time travel novel is available now! TIMESLINGERS currently has 4.5/5 stars on Amazon.com!
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- TIMESLINGERS - Jay & Nathan's time travel novel.
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